Weekly Development Log: Code

Week 1

1. Team's goals for the coding area were to become familiar with the program Gdevelop and to become more knowledgeable on how 

to begin the process of making Project S.O.S. Some specific goals were beginning to make a movement system that fits within our

game and figuring out the mechanics of adding a health bar. Another goal had a beginner background to work on as we attempt

to learn how the behavior feature works on Gdevelop.

2. In the coding area we accomplished becoming familiar with Gdevelop and perfecting the movement system on how we want the player

to move in the spaceship. As far as the health bar goes we found out how to add it onto the screen but are still attempting to have

the mechanics work on circumstances when the player is being attacked and low on health. 

3. In the coding area, the team's goals for next week to have the health system working and to have the shooting mechanics to be worked 

on for the future. 

4. As an individual, I initially installed Gdevelop and learned how to use behaviors on objects. I also learned how to install community

behavior extensions so I am not only limited to default Gdevelop tools. The movement is exactly how I wanted and I am planning to animate

the background to have it look like the player is moving along with the background. 

5. I will try to accomplish having a working health system or shooting system. I learned how to add a health bar I just have not figured out

how to attach it to the player's object to represent how much health it has. As for the shooting system, my plan is to have the player

be able to shoot lasers. 

6. I will need to learn more about how the health mechanics work on Gdevelop by watching tutorial videos and for the shooting mechanics I can 

play more of the tutorial Gdevelop provides when you first open the program.

Week 2

The Goals of last week were to find a way to involve more mechanics within the game to bring some sort of feel to it. There was some tweaking done with the movement speed and camera positioning for the game this week to make sure the player is not able to leave the camera's view where it may fly off the screen.  

One goal was to add health mechanics on the player to make it where they are not invincible to the lasers they shoot and to prove to the player that their ship can be destroyed as well. We have also added enemy ships this time but for this week only they will be unresponsive until we discuss how to have them attack the enemy player.

The goal for next week will be to have a collision between the players' lasers and the enemy ships meaning a new health mechanic will be added to the enemy ships. 

Week 3

We have accomplished last week's goals by adding a health and collision mechanic on the enemy ships to that the player now has someone to shoot lasers at.  The enemy ships will have less hp than the player where they can take 2 hits before dying. Some other goals that were accomplished that were discussed during group meetings were to add some sound fx in the meantime. 

When you shoot lasers from the ship there will be a laser sound effect along with the explosion sound effect when the enemy or player ships are destroyed. 

Lastly, the most recent bit of code that was added was a replay button for the player when the enemy ship takes out the player. When the player is dead there will be a death screen that pops up telling the player they have died and they must press the key "R" to restart the game. 

This game is still in the alpha mode so many things will be changed but I believe as a member of this group this is a great foundation for the game with the knowledge we have learned so far on Gdevelop. 

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